Clocx is an initiative of Have-IT based in Ede. Have-IT is an expert in custom software development. Several of our clients indicated a need for a modular and flexible tool for time registration. Important parts of any organization are booking, accounting and invoicing, but they are not everyone’s hobby. Due to the versatility of Clocx, our tool is suitable for companies, managers, freelancers and anyone who needs a complete and insightful administration. Whether this is for correct invoicing or remuneration of your employees.
By making registration simple, we prevent an incomplete administrations and support entrepreneurs. With the well-arranged Clocx app or website you can enter your units during or immediately after work, so you no longer have to dig into your memory for how long you have been working for customer A or how much costs you have incurred for project B! In this way you have an overview and your invoices will always be complete.
Our software is easy to use and suitable for every entrepreneur in every industry. Because Clocx makes it possible to register every unit, you easily keep track of hours, screws, pages and words. You decide what to register and, of course, at what rate. We can’t promise you that doing your administration will be your new hobby, but we can tell you that many entrepreneurs will benefit from working with Clocx.